Saturday 19 May 2012

You know what really gets to me ....

It really bugs me when people judge other people on their music taste or what tv programmes or films they may like.Even their sense of dress.

I love The Slayers , Edward Scissorhands and Harry Potter , and most of my closest friends can’t stand them ; but they didn’t just abandon me, did they.

I don’t like Justin Bieber, One Direction and The Wanted and all that pop bubbly music , but some of the best people you’ll ever know and are inspired by are interested in different stuff to you, so why push them away just because of that fact.

I may go out in a zombie tshirt with blue hair and i may be attracted to lads who wear skinney jeans and tribley hats but thats just me . One of my closest friends goes out in "trackies" all the time and she goes for the broad sholderd rugby players but i arent going to disown her just because of that,  shes one of the most lovleyist people ive met.

So just because you might not be the spitting image of your best friend , your mum , your dad , your sisters or your brothers , doesnt mean you have to change for anyone .

edward and kim end up in love in edward scissorhands but they
are two compleatley different people !

Sunday 13 May 2012


Mark tremonti's  (the lead guitarist in bands Alter bridge and Creed ) solo album is awesome. I like the way the vocals sound with his new single (“You Waste Your Time”). Fresh, and the guitars are heavy, which is a HUGE plus. The music you hear in the charts presently is brainless blubber and just a lot of people who cant sing and use electronics to "tune" their voices. I belive this album however will has alot of heart and i have to suggest that you all go out and buy it or order it !